So as a very special 100th post, I will post 100 things about myself. I got the idea from Araken's blog, Writer's Passion.
It's also a very special day for my good buddy Bookworm4god. It's her 100th post too! Be sure to visit her blog!
Annnnd! I'm excited to say that it's Twin4God's 100th post too!
Congrats to you both!
Without further ado...
1. I am the owner of this blog...
(Haha. Just to clear up any confusion...100 things is a lot!)
2. I am a Christian and not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ.
3. My favorite colors are green and purple
4. My room is green and purple.
(Sorta obvious)
5. I ♥ horses and tigers
6. Writing is a favorite hobby of mine
7. I am Asian
8. I have one adorable pomeranian/papillion mix named Belle
9. I am only allowed to have one dog.
10. I absolutely ♥ tobymac's music
11. I've only been to three concerts in my life
(2 Winter Jams and 1 Katinas concert)
12. My boyfriend's name is David.
(Long story short, he's an Mp3 player. And he's not the original Dave. He's actually David the Third...or is it Fourth?)
13. Singing and dancing are NOT my fortes
14. I teach a Sunday school class three and four yr. olds every Sunday.
15. I play piano
16. I play violin
17. I ♥ Mexican, Italian, and American food.
18. I'm a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.
19. I wish unicorns were real.
(And dragons, and mermaids, and fairies, and...)
20. I've never broken a bone
21. I love a good read
22. Never tried a MAC computer
23. Never owned an i-Pod
(Let alone hold one for more than 5 minutes)
24. I really wish I could ride a horse.
25. I think basketballs and soccerballs are evil
26. I enjoy taking pictures of random things
27. I am homeschooled
28. I used to play soccer
29. I used to do Junior Bible Quiz
30. I am a Stars Club graduate
31. I am a friends Club graduate
32. I ♥ Church summer camps and outreaches
33. Romance novels are not my thing
34. I ♥ the library
35. I wish I had a laptop
(Instant writer's workshop! I love writing at odd hours)
36. I am taking Latin
37. I just don't get sentence diagramming
38. My dream vacation would be to go to Europe and stay there.
(Passed through, but never saw anything but the airport)
39. I want to someday start collecting horse stuff
40. I have 2 sisters
41. I cannot swim
42. I almost drowned once
43. I love watching birds
44. I love watching fire
45. Fast ceiling fans terrify me
46. I dream of someday learning how to play the guitar
47. I ♥ lilies
48. I'm a big fan of mechanical pencils
49. I'm not that into video games.
(I do like Guitar Hero, though. Only played it once, though)
50. George Muller is one of my heroes.
51. Amazing Grace is my fav. movie.
52. I like playing Nancy Drew computer games.
(The ones that aren't creepy, anyway)
53. Notebooks are my friends.
54. I ♥ going to the beach
55. I have been to Singapore, Malaysia, and India
56. I have never seen a panda in real life
57. I do keep a diary
58. I ♥ running
59. I ♥ science
60. I have never fainted
61. I'm pretty short
62. I ♥ ice cream
63. I'm a chocoholic
(Not too much, though)
64. I've petted some kind of ray.
(Not sure what kind of ray. Maybe a manta ray)
65. I ♥ everything from Beethoven to Skillet
66. I'm not the biggest fan of pink
67. I'm allergic to cats
(On top of so many otehr things!)
68. I ♥ my backyard
(Even though its really small)
69. My favorite number is the number 7
70. My numbers in soccer were 7 for four years and 10 for one year
71. I don't have myspace or facebook
72. I do not have a cell phone
73. I ♥ my calender
74. I have some pet fish.
75. I have never tasted coffee
76. I don't enjoy heavy metal or country music
77. I've never had stitches
78. If I ever get my own car, I want to get a personalized one
79. I've never kissed a monkey
80. I've never even laid a hand on a monkey, actually
81. I skipped a grade
82. I went to private school for 3 yrs.
83. I love the girl name Elisabeth
84. I like the guy names Lucas, Jake, David, or Philip.
85. I love gypsy vanner horses
86. I pretty much love all horse
87. I've never held a toad
89. Insects creep my out
90. I'm pretty loud when ya get to know me
91. I ♥ P.E.
92. I think regular pencils are overrated
93. I think the term "geeky jock" is not a contradiction.
94. I ♥ Christian music
95. I am pretty opinionated.
(That can be a good or bad thing, I suppose)
96. Pudding! Yum!
97. I have, like, six different e-mail accounts.
(Eek! And no, I don't really keep track of 'em all. Just two.)
98. I have never worn or touched a converse sneaker
99. I love painting my fingernails weird colors.
(I don't do it very often, though...)
100. This is my 100th post. Thanks to everyone who has stopped by over the last 100 post. Thank you ever so much for everything!
God Bless,

WAY TO GO!!! I've only had my blog for about 6 months :)
Check out the changes! Do you like them?
I did Stars for several years, but never completed it. I also did jJunior Bible quiz.
@bookie: you go girlie! 100! Who would've thought???
@M. Elin N.: LOL. Thank you! I do love the changes! I love the header picture especially!
@Zoe: Cool! I went there when I was younger, but we moved to another church. I still go there on Wednesdays, though, as a Friends Club assistant for the teachers. There are a LOT of girls!
God bless you all,
Girl, I knew I loved you for some reason! We have so much in common! I run cross country, love the Nancy Drew computer games, and have done the whole Stars thing (hated it 'cause my teacher was a jerk, but learned.... a little).
@SarahO'G: Wow! That's awesomeful! I've never really done track, but I do love running. I spent a lot of my summer "getting in shape". I don't think it did much, but at least I fell asleep much quicker in the night!
My fav. was Phantom of Venice. I haven't finished it, though. :( Maybe one day I'll puzzle out the rest!
I'm sorry about that. :( There were only two girls when I was doing it, and one was the teacher's daughter, so we were a pretty close knit group.
God Bless,
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