There, Aidan discovers mysterious scrolls and a door to another world.
He must learn how to become a knight, the twelfth knight of a special company, to be exact. He must join the other eleven knights in a quest to win a city for the King of Alleble, and war against the forces of Paragor.
A mortiwraith. Glimpses. Mitheguard. Scrolls. Stilling. It is the perfect mixture for a wonderful story.
My favorite scene would probably be when Aidan pulls everything he learned on his trip together in a super-creative way to trick the enemy's forces. It involves sacrifice, bravery, and lantern spiders.
Some scenes seemed a little awkward, which is understandable since this series was written before Isle of Fire and Isle of Swords. Also, the whole idea of the story seemed very familiar. The idea of twins in another realm reminded me a little bit of the Circle series by Ted Dekker and it really reminded me of the Wormling series by Jerry B. Jenkins and Chris Fabry. The ideas and the setting seemed very, very similar, though, of course the stories had their own flair.
With its Christian messages, action, and fun, I would recommend this book to readers ages ten and up.
God Bless,

1 comment:
I had previously heard of this book but never read a review of it.=^)
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