You may (or may not :D) be wondering why I didn't post on Friday...
1. Computer troubles. Okay, my computer's security system fizzled. No viruses or anything, but it expired. I just hate that, don't you? Anyway, I had to wait for my amazing dad to straighten things out. It didn't happen until, like, an hour ago. Anyway, it's GREAT to be back! (And thanks for the comment, Emmi!) I LOVE comments, even "Dude, the sky is blue. Can you BELIEVE it?" or "We just bought pigs." or even "Hey, can you post a little more often?"
2. EXHAUSTION! October has been the CRAZIEST month in the history of my life. Four enormous tests, a piano competition, volunteering for two big local events, and other craziness. Was I stressed this past week! We had to drive an hour to get to my piano competition yesterday, and after it was done, I got ice cream all over my jeans! Gross! And on top of that, the flavor I got wasn't appealing to me! Hel-lo! There was coconut in my chocolate ice cream, and it got stuck everywhere in my mouth! My throat felt so sore afterward. There was also nuts of ALL kINDS. Not my thing.
Anyways, I'm glad I'm back and I hope to post more this week!
God Bless,

I wondered were you where off to. :) It was weird not having a Randomness Friday post.
Hey Prism,
I'm glad you internet's working! I can't stand when our's isn't :P
Woww, you HAVE had a really busy month...that'd be SO annoying about the ice-cream :S
Luv,Emii :)
Oooh, stressful! Mines getting pretty crazy too. I have a violin exam coming up, and I'm so like, freaked -- well, not really, I've done like, exams before, but yeah, lolz. And then I have to hurry up on my Piano -- schools gettin' in the way! And then there's flute... and guitar... lolz. Oh, and dance--
Haha, I'm busy, lolz.
Do I get to be the first one to commet??
Man, I haven't been commenting for more than a month! And I'm so sorry!
But great to see that you're ok! :D
yay...youre back! :)
Just wanted to drop by and say:
You've gotten an award from me!
The post contest is not going on anymore because there weren't enough people But check out my blog if you want to join another/ better one!
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