I'll tell ya'll about my WJ '09 experience, Prism style. =D
I went with my friend's youth group, and it was certainly a BIG group. I mean, there were kids from age 11 to age 47 (give or take a few years)!
When I first walked through the double doors (or was it quadruple doors???), I could almost feel the electricity in the air. It was a wide room painted a light blue and white. The greasy smell of corn dogs and funnel cake was calling me and my stomach, though my wallet whined with inadequacy to fill my wants. I held tightly onto my sweater and could faintly hear the music of the pre-jam party.
CONCERT GOING TIP: Bring a jacket with you when going to a concert. It may not be cold at the time, but, especially when the concert is in the evening or night, it may be unexpectedly chilly. Also, the concert arena can also be pretty cold! I mean, I'd rather be cold than sweaty at a concert!
It was packed full of people ready to have an awesome time, for sure. I wanted to walk around a little bit and see the booths, but the adults reminded us teens (and preteens) that it was a concert, and there were seats filling up. FAST.
The race was on!
We fast-walked as orderly as we could (which wasn't that good...) and finally spread out around the arena in 3 groups (I didn't know it at the time.) Did I mention that it was pretty chaotic? Entering one of the doors, I could see PureNRG performing. I have to admit that I'm not the biggest fan of their music, but, I have to say, their acrobatics are so cool! Never in a million years could I flip like them! They certainly brought energy to the concert-goers with their infectious music.
CONCERT GOING TIP: Don't take videos at a concert.
It certainly can hamper your concert experience. Maybe take a few still pictures for memory sake. It's just not worth it. Sure you can brag to your friends than you went to a concert or something like that, but, unless you are in one of the front rows, don't try. Trust Prism on this. She made that mistake. The videos are so terrible that I only watched it one time. Did I enjoy it?
Last year, I didn't bring a camera and regretted it. I mean, I saw PureNRG and Group1Crew! I could have (possibly) taken a picture with them! So, if you want to bring a camera, don't take videos.
After PureNRG was done, Franscesca Batestelli took the stage. Again, I'm not the biggest fan of her music, but I loved it. Especially "Free to Be Me". It was a familiar song, and she did great. Newsong also sang. Same case with them. Their songs were more praise and worship, but, unfortunately, I didn't know it.
During her performance, I started to feel sick. Not TOO sick, but someone-is-poking-my-side unconfortable. I think it was a cramp from the excitement and running around in the crowd, but to this day, I still don't know what happened.
CONCERT GOING TIP: Bring some kind of OTC pain medicine JUST IN CASE when you go to a concert. It can help with the headbanging headache, the screamer's head throb, or the classic someone-poking-me-in-the-side pain. Be sure to ask a parent if you are a minor. Always let them know if you are taking some kind of medicine.
CONCERT GOING TIP: Bring a water bottle or other drink with you!
I have to sadly admit that this unexpected happening hampered my concert experience. The poking turned into a stabbing pain. I missed Hawk Nelson and another artist either trying to walk out the pain or buying a drink to see if it would help. I pretty much wrecked the middle part of my concert experience, and that of my friend. But, I knew that I was safe and wouldn't get lost. We did have a little run in with some rowdy concert goers. I won't go into detail, but I wouldn't been really weirded out and maybe a little scared if my friend wasn't with me. I think it's mainly because it's a different environment and people feel a little more free, and the music and just the electricity in the air can boost a person's enthusiasm. I mean, after the concert ended at 11:30, I was still pumped!
CONCERT GOING TIP: Bring a friend with you! There is strength in numbers!
When my friend and I returned, Tobymac had taken the stage. And boy, was I excited! He sang a lot of his popular songs such as "Lose My Soul", "Burn for You", and "Diverse City". Of course, the Diverse Band was amazing! (Y'know the lady that sings with them? I saw her, but shy me wouldn't go up and say hi. Yes, I know. I am shy. Shocking, right?)
The finale, I would have to say, was a high point of the concert. It always is. Also, the greatest thing was that the pain went away two minutes into his part of the concert. I think my brain was too occupied with the music, screaming, and filming, that I totally forgot. Sort of.
THEY WERE AWESOME! There was confetti, freezing in place for a looooong time, trampoline, and jumping into a group of people! I, of course, was not among those lucky people for I was up about two balconies near the area with the side view of the stage. I just repeated "Wow!" to myself. The end justified the means in my case. The finale was definately something I would remember!
All in all, I had a blast. I wouldn't miss it, and I plan to go next with with some things in hand and some things not. I learned a lot of things and got to listen to the music I love.
God Bless,

I went to WJ and TobyMac was AWESOME!
It was really hot when I went. There was tons of people.
Sounds like you had fun :)
Hi I love your blog I found you through sarahO'G's blog ( shes one of my best friends ) And I absaloutly love how much passion you have for God I too love God, and I think you are great!! Anywho I love toby mac!! Sounds like you had a blast ( well besides the someone-poking-me-in-the-side pain) :D
Can I be the first to tell you, you were SOOO lucky to go! It looks like you had a blast, except for the pain. *hugs you*
I'm /really/ upset because I was so excited to possibly have a chance to be going, but now we're not. *cry*
But me is happy you had a blast!
I'm not a fan of Tobymac [I'm not one for rapping/headbanging], but I love basically everyone else that will be there. :)
My friends talk about it, but I never know where it is or anything. Where do you find it out?
@ Paris: Totally!!! It was pretty cold when I went. Especially when we got out. Brrrrr! I sure did!
@Megan: Hey, Megan! Thank you for stopping by!!! LOL. Totally.
@Tippie: Awww! I'm so sorry you didn't get to go!!! There's always, next year, though! *hug*
LOL. I understand! I used to be scared of Tobymac's music until I really listened to it. Everyone has different preferences, and it's cool. God made us each unique!
@Sarah: Here is the site:
I'm not too sure if it's the official site, but it's the one I heard about WJ from. Hope this helps!
God Bless ya'll
Gracias Amiga!
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