Camy Tang
Susie Shellenberger
I've found their blogs fun and interesting; most importantly God-centered.
That's pretty much all I require to link a blog from Girl of Many Colors. If you'd like to have your blog on my bloglist, please comment with your blog's address. I'll be sure to check it out, and if it matches with the above black-lettered sentence, it'll be on as soon as that happens.
God Bless,

Could you add me, Footprints in the Sand, to your list? I would be grateful if you would.
@Elizabeth J.:Sure thing!
God Bless,
My blog is: Thanks for this opportunity! You don't have to add it if you don't want to, I just thought that I'd give you the address just in case. :)
Assr lei∂r ykkarr or∂. (God guide your words.)
@ElizabethOfMena: You're on the list! =D
God Bless,
OMg, Susie? She used to write for Brio before it went MIA....
Thank you! :)
Could you add me?
(if you want, you can add me once I invite you)
libby xox
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