I am a teen who loves God, Family, Tae Kwon Do, Piano, Writing, Reading, Violin, Horseback Riding, and being with friends. I am a person of many hobbies and interests. I am a Girl of Many Colors.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
All People to See, Places to Go Deleted.....
Hey ya'll. Before I go, I just noticed that my bloglist of super-duper blogs have been deleted! How? I don't really know! I was updating it a while back and I get I accidentally removed it. I redid it with as many I could remember, but if you don't see your name on there or I did not have it there before and you want to have your blog on there please comment on this post and I'll add you!
I'm simply someone who is living life and loving God. I love diversity between people and also the diversity of the individual. The spectrum that is each and every life is what makes us special. A Girl of Many Colors was my first blog, which I had so much fun creating and also was my documentation of me maturing and exploring my passion of writing. Simply Being Me will be my new blog, and although the content will be much different, the author behind both is the same little girl who love randomness, adventures, and books.
1. Man and nature of the creation are made by one rational, loving, and orderly God.
2. God is the creator of matter, but He is not matter; He is a spirit. There is more to the universe than simply matter and energy.
3. Man was created in part to search out and discover the ways of God in creation. He is to subdue the earth and have dominion over it.
4. As man seeks to subdue the earth, he can gain an understanding of many of the secrets God has placed in creation for the benefit of mankind and the glory of God.
- FromBiology: God's Living Creation Third Edition copyright A Beka Book 2007
Don't forget about meeeee!
Sorry, Araken. I put you on there, but then all of it was deleted again...So you're back on and hopefully it'll stay there....
Quick Note: Temporarily changed the look of my blog while I look for something more colorful....
I don't see ur blog list... But did u add me? :D u can if u wanna
My apologies, AGoMQ! I had you on there and yet again.....it deleted......Still trying to figure out why. *bangs head on desk*
Technology.....gotta love it.
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