Today I am honored to interview Stephanie Morrill, author of the Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt series. She has also graciously agreed to a giveaway of an autographed copy of Me, Just Different, so stay tuned!
On to the interview! :)
Prism: Please tell us a little about yourself
Stephanie Morrill: I live in Kansas City with my husband and two kids. My husband was actually my high school sweetheart, which I think is one of the reasons I write for teens. I love reading, writing, and drinking coffee, so that's usually what I'm doing if I'm not changing diapers.
Prism: What inspired you to write about Skylar in your books?
Stephanie Morrill: When I started Me, Just Different (the first in The Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt series), my goal was to write about a main character very different than me. Previously all my main characters had been behind-the-scenes type of girls, same as me in high school. With Skylar, I wanted to explore writing about a girl who was more comfortable being the center of attention than she was sitting alone in her room.
Prism: Any advice to aspiring authors?
Stephanie: Tons. That's why I started, where I answer questions and post about various aspects of the writing craft.
Prism: Any plans for more books about Skylar? If not, what are your plans for future books?
Stephanie: So Over It is the last book that will be told from Skylar's point of view. It's possible I'll write a spin-off series with Abbie as the main character. It's also possible that Skylar, Connor, and others will make guest appearances in other books I write.
Prism: What is the coolest/funniest thing a reader has ever said to you?
Stephanie: I have a girl who sends me the craziest e-mails where, like, every word is a different color. And her sentence structure and grammar is so bad, it takes me about 10 reads to figure out what on earth she's saying.
And one of the coolest/most humbling thing a reader has ever said was at a book signing. And actually, it wasn't the reader herself. I was making conversation about how cool her name was when her dad shared that they'd driven an hour and a half that morning just to come to the book signing. Words can't express how touched I was by that. I almost felt guilty! I wanted to put the rest of the signing on hold so I could buy her coffee. Or a pony.
Prism: Congratulations! You now have a holiday named after you. What do people do on that day?
Stephanie: Okay, this is like my favorite interview question ever.
Well, I love food, so people totally feast on my day. I especially love a big breakfast, so they could do that.
And they should all read a really good book. Not a book they find boring, not a book they feel obligated to like, but something that makes them really turn the pages.
Then they should finish the day with really yummy coffee.
Hmm. My holiday sounds kind of boring. Okay, there should be fireworks too. And one of those moon bounce things that's big enough for adults too.
Prism: Favorite Bible verse?
Stephanie: It's always changing. Right now it's, "Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58b
A great verse for writers!
Prism: What do most people not know about you?
Stephanie: Hmm. I tend to be a pretty open person. So instead I'll say something that surprises people, which is that I didn't go to college. I never could find one I was excited about, so I kept delaying until "next semester," and then it just never happened. I can't regret this, though. I ended up with the exact life I wanted.
Now, are you ready for a giveaway of Me, Just Different? Enter to win an
autographed and
personalized copy from Stephanie Morrill!
How to enter:
Mandatory entry:
Leave a comment saying that you want to enter!
Addition entries:
(1) Become a follower of A Girl of Many Colors (or comment that you already are one)!
(1) Post about the giveaway and give me a link!
Please leave one comment per task
on this post. Each task listed is worth one (1) entry. Entries must be put as a comment on this post, or I cannot count it.
When will the results be announced?
After randomly selecting a reader on Monday, October 25, I will announce the winner of the giveaway on Tuesday, October 26. Be sure to spread the word so that others can join!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!