Healer's Apprentice Week is finally coming to a close with an awesome giveaway! Enter for the chance to win an autographed copy of Melanie Dickerson's book, The Healer's Apprentice!
Two Hearts. One Hope.
Rose has been appointed as a healer’s apprentice at Hagenheim Castle, a rare opportunity for a woodcutter’s daughter like her. While she often feels uneasy at the sight of blood, Rose is determined to prove herself capable. Failure will mean returning home to marry the aging bachelor her mother has chosen for her—a bloated, disgusting merchant who makes Rose feel ill.
When Lord Hamlin, the future duke, is injured, it is Rose who must tend to him. As she works to heal his wound, she begins to understand emotions she’s never felt before and wonders if he feels the same. But falling in love is forbidden, as Lord Hamlin is betrothed to a mysterious young woman in hiding. As Rose’s life spins toward confusion, she must take the first steps on a journey to discover her own destiny.
How to enter:
Mandatory entry:
Leave a comment saying that you want to enter!
Addition entries:
(1) Become a follower of A Girl of Many Colors!
(1) Answer ALL of the questions Melanie asked at the end of her interview!
(1) Post about the giveaway and give me a link!
Please leave one comment per task on this post. Each task listed is worth one (1) entry. Entries must be put as a comment on this post, or I cannot count it. If you already answered the questions, you may copy your answers onto this post.
For example:
Comment One: Hi, I'm Prism. I would love to enter this giveaway!
Comment Two: I have read a few fairy tale retellings, but never before have I read a retelling that is Christian! I absolutely LOVE The Healer's Apprentice! Historical and medieval fiction are both genres that I enjoy very, very much. Historical romance and medieval romance are especially good. My favorite books are usually suspense/action books and medieval/historical fiction. The Healer's Apprentice is definitely on my favorites list.
Comment Three: I am now a follower of your blog, Prism!
Comment Four: I posted about the giveaway here: ( insert link here )
Now, this is just an example, but you get the idea. =)
When will the results be announced?
After randomly selecting a reader on Monday, October 4, I will announce the winner of the giveaway on Tuesday, October 5. Be sure to spread the word so that others can join!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

I'm following! And I want to enter!
OOOOH, I hope I win, I hope I win.
I've followed you forever! (not that that's a bad thing. I love your blog!) I really really really want to win this book! Otherwise I'll have to settle for buying it for my birthday.
In Christ,
I have read I fairy tale re-telling... well it wasn't a book it was a script. I'm sure I've read a re-telling in a book I just don't remember right now. If that still counts then I really enjoyed it. It was a hilarious twist on Cinderella and Hansel and Gretel.
I've read plenty of historicals, I really enjoy those... as long as they are accurate! I read one that was horrible inaccurate... I wouldn't reccomend it.
I do like medieval books, I think they're great. Actually a few of my favorites are medieval.
My favorite type is either fantasy, sci-fi, or historical fiction, maybe a mix of all of them!
In Christ,
Count me to participate in your book giveaway, DoTella/Prism!
I clicked the sidebar follow tool on DoTella's blog.
I know there are different types of versions of fairy-tales that people have read. I've read historical books. My favorite author is Ted Dekker.
Comment Four: I posted about the giveaway here: ( http://bookworm4god.blogspot.com/2010/09/healers-apprentice-book-giveaway-by.html ).
I want to enter! Count me in on this great giveaway! :)
I follow your lovely blog Prism! :)
I would love to be entered.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I'm a gfc follower.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I really, really, really would love to win this book.
I follow your blog with GFC.
CarolNWong (at)aol(dot)com
Hey, girls! Thank you all for commenting! I know I say this a lot, but if you don't win, please request the book at your local library. They will usually order it just because someone requested it, and you can put a hold on it when you request it so that you are the first person to get to check it out and read it. :-)
Cool giveaway! I would love to enter!
I am already a follower!
I have actually read a fairy tale retelling. I thought it rather fun! It was interesting to compare the original characters to the "new" characters and see how the author had changed them. It was quite intriguing.
Historicals are deliciously fun! They open new ways for you to think about how an event in history might have impacted an individual character. I love them!
My favorite genre of book is Fantasy.
I posted about it here:
i want to enter!
Hello Prism! I would like to enter :)
Let's see here, have I read a re-telling... oh, yes I have! I read Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. Although I am not such a fan of Levine anymore, I still like this book. It conveyed the character's emotions very well.
Historical fiction is okay with me. I only like it if is VERY authentic and researched, because reading the word 'okay' in a story set in the 1800's is a major turn off of mine.
Last one: I haven't read many books set in the Medieval era, but I have liked the few I have read.
My favorite type of book? A really good one!! :D
Looks like a great book
Love to enter
Silly me. I forgot to say I want to enter. So I'm saying it now.
In Christ,
I would love to win this book!!!
I am now a follower.
I have read basic fairy tale re-tellings, and I only like them if they are well done. I don't usually read historicals though! I'm pretty much open to any time period though :) I'm not sure I have a favorite type of book... although I am drawn to romance and sci-fi! :)
Yes, I would love to be in the drawing of The Healer's Apprentice. Juanita W
This sounds like a great book. A Girl of Many Colors, The Healer's Apprentice. Love reading these books. It is getting to where I can finish in 2-3 days. Need to, I have a long wish list, and a basket full of Love inspired I have not gotten to yet. Juanita W
I've been wanting to read this book. Thanks for the opportunity to enter for a copy!
I've posed this giveaway on my FaceBook Page!
A Kiss In Time by Alex Flinn is a retold Beauty and The Beast...it was a sweet story.
My favorite type of book is Christian Historical Fiction.
I am a follower of your blog!
Hi, I'm Doreen. I would love to enter this giveaway!
purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
I am now a follower of your blog!
purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com
I've been hearing about this book for awhile . . . my sister's dying to read it (I should tell her about this giveaway). I'd love the enter --thanks for the chance to win!
*Gasp* I'd LOVE to be entered into this drawing! I've wanted to read this book ever since I saw the cover online a couple of months ago.
Blogged here: http://pulse.yahoo.com/_F7F2JQY2VUAF24L6CGNSDUBR4M/blog/articles/202440?listPage=index&bb=0
I've heard of fairy tale re-tellings, but I've never read one yet.
I'd LOVE to read "The Healer's Apprentice" because I adore the medieval time period (or the one described in books at least). Christian Fantasy is one of my favorite genres, especially the ones with medieval fantasy styled worlds. I also love historical fiction (with my favorite time period being medieval and American colonial). =)
I would love to win this book. Please enter me in the drawing.
Thank you for the chance.
I am a follower.
I have not read a told story.
I love medieval historical fiction and nonfiction.
I posted on my facebook wall.
Wendy Shoults
I have had Healer's Apprentice on my wish list from the first review I read. I love that you are using fairy tales to tell stories from the Bible. Looking forward to reading them all.
Pls enter me in giveaway.
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
I am a GFC Follower
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
Have you ever read a fairy tale retelling, and if so, what did you think about it?
I have not yet but I love the concept and can't wait to read.
What about historicals?
I love historicals and as a reader that has been reading for over 55 yrs I have read hundreds of them.
Do you like books set in the medieval period?
Yes, they are so realistic I feel I am back in that time.
Let's hear your favorite type of book!
Oh my, that is a hard one to answer since I love romance, mystery, intrigue, historicals, action, and the list goes on. I do not read erotic or books with a lot of sex action. I would rather leave something to the imagination.
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
I posted giveaway here:
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
Would love to read your book...I wanna win a copy please!
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