Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Interview: Abigail Prudence!

Welcome, welcome to the weekly interview portion of AGoMC! This week I am privileged to interview an amazing young lady, Abigail Prudence, blogkeeper of Women of Virtue!
If you are interested in being interviewed by me on AGoMC or in interviewing me for your blog be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of this post to read the specifics
Now, what we've all been waiting for...Abigail Prudence...Revealed!!!

Prism: If you had to describe yourself with one word, what word would you pick?
Abigail: fun, spontaneous, skilled, girly, adventurous? It's hard with only one word.

Prism: What is your favorite part of your blog?
Abigail: definitely my playlist, I love the music there, I listen to it all the time.

Prism: Sports or music?
Abigail: Tennis is one of my only sports, I am the 4th generation of tennis players in my family line. Horse riding is my favorite, I hardly ever get to ride, but when I do I feel wonderful! As far as music goes, anything soft and relaxing I really enjoy. I started learning to play the harp last year, it is going slowly, but I am really enjoying it. I am not into the contemporary Christian music at all, I like the hymns and country songs about life.

Prism: What is your favorite animal?
Abigail: It's a toss up between the jaguar or the horse, both are beautiful animals!

Prism: What is/was the best thing that happened to you?
Abigail: Giving my heart to my Father, we have a wonderful relationship.

Prism: Have you ever been in another country?
Abigail: No, but I would love to visit many places! The top 3 being, Australia, Egypt and Ireland

P: What is your favorite/life Bible verse?
A: Proverbs 31:30 Favour is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a women that feareth the LORD; she shall be praised.

P: Who is your favorite fiction author?
A: Jane Austen

P: What is your favorite movie?
A: Pride and Prejudice

P: Where would your dream vacation be?
A: A 3 month tour of the world's most beautiful places.

P: Thanks so very much, Abigail!

A: Special thanks to A Girl of Many Colors, for this interview opportunity! I have very much enjoyed it, and if you would like to find out more about me and my writings, please visit the following link to my blog, Also, lately I have been having trouble finding something to write about on my blog, if you have any suggestions feel free to contact me through commenting on my blog! May God bless you all and thank you so much for taking the time to read this interview!
Want to be interviewed or interview me?
Email me at:
girlofmanycolors *at* gmail *dot* com
with the subject line "INTERVIEW" and with your blog address somewhere in the body of the email. After checking to make sure your blog is clean, I'll contact you about dates and the interview itself.

God Bless,

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